Article Listing

  • San Francisco hotel workers keep up fight

    San Francisco hotel workers keep up fight

    November 12, 2004

    SAN FRANCISCO — Spirited picket lines continued this week at 14 big San Francisco hotels, as talks continued between UNITE HERE Local 2 and the Multi-Employer Group. On Nov. 7, Local 2 members carried their struggle...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    November 12, 2004

    Haiti: OAS commission condemns atrocities The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States last week released a report condemning atrocities committed in Haiti since Sept. 30, the Haitian news agency AHP...

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  • Bush election: Team World got clobbered

    Bush election: Team World got clobbered

    November 12, 2004

    Most world leaders responded to the election of George W. Bush with diplomatically crafted congratulations. But beneath the polite veneer, a number of governments signaled their continuing disagreement with the administration’s approach to international affairs and...

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  • Saskatchewan OKs same-sex marriage

    Saskatchewan OKs same-sex marriage

    November 12, 2004

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Another victory for equal rights was won in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan Nov. 5 when a judge ordered the government to legalize same-sex marriage. Justice Donna Wilson of the Court of...

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  • Urge visiting rights for families of Cuban 5

    Urge visiting rights for families of Cuban 5

    November 12, 2004

    The National Committee to Free the Cuban Five put out an urgent appeal Nov. 6 for action to secure visiting rights for the family members of the five Cuban men unjustly sentenced to long terms in...

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