Article Listing

  • Letters


    October 1, 2004

    Bush’s road: a one party systemThe following is adapted from an open letter sent to the Mexican American Political Association in preparation for its endorsing convention. I understand the convention will not have a representative of...

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  • Kerry vs. Bush There is a difference.

    Kerry vs. Bush There is a difference.

    October 1, 2004

    The presidential candidates, John Kerry and George W. Bush, take substantially different stands on crucial issues for working-class families, students, seniors, women, African Americans, Latinos, Asians and Native Americans. The third presidential debate, Wednesday, Oct. 13,...

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  • Editorials


    October 1, 2004

    U.S. troops home now! Despite last week’s sunny forecast by President Bush and Iyad Allawi, the U.S.-installed ruler of Iraq, about how swimmingly things are going over there, the quagmire is rapidly deepening. U.S. troops and...

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  • The battle for Congress heats up

    The battle for Congress heats up

    October 1, 2004

    “I have never considered myself a partisan person, but the Republican Party left me behind, so I had no choice but to leave the Republican Party behind,” Steven Brozak told delegates to the Democratic Convention this...

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  • United workers find out what Bush means

    United workers find out what Bush means

    October 1, 2004

    After 9/11, the Airline Transportation Stabilization Board was established to help airlines most affected by the tragedy. United lost two airplanes, 18 crew members and 89 passengers and soon found itself in bankruptcy. United applied for...

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