Article Listing

  • Abortion ban struck down for third time

    Abortion ban struck down for third time

    September 17, 2004

    U.S. District Court Judge Richard Kopf, ruling in Carhart v. Ashcroft, joined two other judges in finding that the so-called “Partial Birth Abortion Ban,” passed by Congress and signed into law by George W. Bush in...

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  • Calif. official joins suit against Diebold

    Calif. official joins suit against Diebold

    September 17, 2004

    SAN FRANCISCO — Amid growing nationwide concerns about assuring the integrity of the vote in November, developments in California are highlighting vote integrity issues in the state. Last week state Attorney General Bill Lockyer announced he...

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  • Help us raise $200,000!

    Help us raise $200,000!

    September 17, 2004

    Dear readers, The task is pretty awesome. Defeat the most reactionary administration in our lifetime and raise $200,000 to keep the revolutionary, working-class press going. How can you do both? Well, many of you are.

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  • Marines and coal miners: Bush dishonors all veterans

    Marines and coal miners: Bush dishonors all veterans

    September 17, 2004 By Susan Webb

    Vigils across the U.S. grieved the human cost of the Iraq war last week. At the same time, Marine generals and Iraq veterans teamed up with coal miners in a new initiative to bring an antiwar,...

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  • Kerry slams war costs

    Kerry slams war costs

    September 17, 2004

    $200 billion robbed from jobs, kids, health care, security Campaigning in Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 14, Democrat John Kerry articulated the hope and the anger that workers and their families are feeling. “George W. Bush keeps saying...

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