Article Listing

  • Airline crews should have been warned

    Airline crews should have been warned

    September 10, 2004

    On Sept. 10, 2001, I was a United Airlines flight attendant, working a night flight from Washington, D.C., to San Francisco. My co-workers and I drank coffee and watched the stars pass by our windows, remarking...

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  • Oil rivalry, strife afflict the Caucasus

    Oil rivalry, strife afflict the Caucasus

    September 10, 2004 By David Eisenhower

    Breakaway autonomous regions in the former Soviet republics of Georgia and Azerbaijan are creating a headache for the Bush administration’s geopolitical planners.

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  • Black lawmakers urge legalizing immigrants

    Black lawmakers urge legalizing immigrants

    September 10, 2004

    If you listen to President George Bush, the only way Mexicans can avoid the illegal and sometimes deadly trip across the U.S. border is to come as guest workers — temporary contract laborers for U.S. industry...

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  • Iranian party demands end to repression

    Iranian party demands end to repression

    September 10, 2004

    Amidst recent reports of escalating repression by Iran’s intelligence services against the country’s progressive forces, including the use of physical assault, kidnapping, and torture against those defending democratic rights and freedom of expression, the Tudeh (People’s)...

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  • Chinas unions and migrant workers: Building a better future together

    Chinas unions and migrant workers: Building a better future together

    September 10, 2004

    During a visit to the People’s Republic of China in July, Marilyn Bechtel talked with trade unionists at the enterprise, city, provincial and national levels, to learn how they are helping workers meet the challenge of...

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