Article Listing

  • Philadelphia teachers resisting givebacks

    Philadelphia teachers resisting givebacks

    August 27, 2004

    News Analysis PHILADELPHIA — With only days remaining in the contract between the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) and the Philadelphia School District, a settlement on a new contract seems remote. After spending five months in...

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  • Prosperity just around the corner?

    Prosperity just around the corner?

    August 27, 2004 By Art Perlo

    “The economy is strong, and getting stronger,” says President Bush, but an AP poll reports that only 10 percent of households making less than $50,000 a year think their economic situation is strong.

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  • Union Yes! at America West

    Union Yes! at America West

    August 27, 2004

    After many years and multiple attempts, the 3,100 customer service representatives (CSRs) at America West Airlines (AWA) won the right to union representation by the Teamsters. Fifty-four percent, or 1,679, of the CSRs voted “yes,” the...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    August 27, 2004

    Colombia: ‘Special zone’ = less security The Colombian government calls part of the province of Arauca, where 30 trade unionists have been killed so far this year, a “rehabilitation and consolidation zone.” But for the region,...

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  • Germans on the march against reforms

    Germans on the march against reforms

    August 27, 2004

    BERLIN — People are suddenly on the march again. The government’s “reform package” known as “Agenda 2010,” but especially its cruelest item, the jobless reform law, has shaken German working people and especially the jobless out...

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