Article Listing

  • Caravan to Cuba defies new U.S. restrictions

    Caravan to Cuba defies new U.S. restrictions

    July 2, 2004

    MILWAUKEE – Activists held a day-long series of events here for the 15th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba. Since 1992, the caravan has challenged the U.S. embargo by sending busloads of aid to the...

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  • Activists prepare for freedom summer

    Activists prepare for freedom summer

    July 2, 2004

    Over 100 students, civil rights and labor activists will work this summer to systematically increase the immigrant voting constituency in the electoral “battleground” states of Arizona and Florida, in the New American Freedom Summer 2004. The...

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  • Fahrenheit 9/11 sizzles across the nation

    Fahrenheit 9/11 sizzles across the nation

    July 2, 2004

    “Fahrenheit 9/11” turned up the heat on the Bush administration this week as Americans packed movie houses, hungry for information to help them understand the terrible path down which this president has led our country. “It’s...

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  • Iraq: Where did the $20 billion go?

    Iraq: Where did the $20 billion go?

    July 2, 2004 By Susan Webb

    The U.S. occupation and its corporate cronies have ripped off Iraq’s oil wealth and ravaged the country’s infrastructure, several new reports show. Coalition Provisional Authority boss L. Paul Bremer slinked out of Iraq June 28 after...

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  • Pride mixes with politics in New York City march

    Pride mixes with politics in New York City march

    July 2, 2004

    NEW YORK – The estimated 1.5 million participants in the June 27 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride March here celebrated the past but kept an eye on the future. While the atmosphere was festive, with...

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