Article Listing

  • HAITI: Police shoot pro-Aristide marchers

    HAITI: Police shoot pro-Aristide marchers

    May 28, 2004

    PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Special Forces units of the Haitian National Police, acting as part of a larger U.S. Marine “peacekeeping” force, killed at least nine Fanmi Lavalas demonstrators here May 18, as U.S. troops stood by...

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  • Parliamentary elections called in Canada

    Parliamentary elections called in Canada

    May 28, 2004

    VANCOUVER, Canada – On May 23 Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin called new elections for June 28. While eight parties are competing, polls show the Liberal and Conservative parties as frontrunners. Liberal Party leader Martin promises...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    May 28, 2004

    AUSTIN, Texas: Death penalty foes blast execution Death penalty opponents blasted Gov. Rick Perry for ignoring a rare recommendation of mercy from the Texas parole board and allowing the lethal injection of a paranoid schizophrenic to...

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  • 100 days and counting: N. Calif. grocery workers ready for action

    100 days and counting: N. Calif. grocery workers ready for action

    May 28, 2004

    PLEASANTON, Calif. – Hundreds of workers from Safeway and other area grocery chains filled the space in front of Safeway’s corporate headquarters here with a sea of bright yellow T-shirts May 20, giving a resounding welcome...

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  • Travel groups defy Bushs Cuba policies

    Travel groups defy Bushs Cuba policies

    May 28, 2004

    Cuba has survived 45 years of U.S.-inspired military incursions, terrorist attacks, internal subversion, economic blockade, biological warfare, and diplomatic isolation, but Cuban leaders say worse is yet to come. In a May 14 interview with the...

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