Article Listing

  • U.S. military bases cast shadow across Japan

    U.S. military bases cast shadow across Japan

    March 5, 2004

    ATAMI, Japan – Muneyoshi Furugen has lived in the shadow of the U.S. bases on Okinawa all of his life. He speaks in a calm and deliberate manner with a small smile. Yet underneath, when he...

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  • UNITE and HERE unions announce merger

    UNITE and HERE unions announce merger

    March 5, 2004

    The strength of two newly-combined unions may be put to the test even before the merger process is completed, as hotel workers in nine of Los Angeles’ largest hotels face expiration of their contracts in mid-April....

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  • Grad students GET-UP and strike for justice

    Grad students GET-UP and strike for justice

    March 5, 2004

    PHILADELPHIA – Hundreds of University of Pennsylvania graduate student employees held a two-day strike Feb. 26-27 to protest the university administration’s refusal to recognize their right to join a union. One year ago, the National Labor...

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  • Mental health battle in Missouri

    Mental health battle in Missouri

    March 5, 2004 By Tony Pecinovsky

    The Missouri Department of Mental Health recently announced its intention to close two mental health facilities and downsize several others.

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  • Teachers stick with union, scorn Paige attack

    Teachers stick with union, scorn Paige attack

    March 5, 2004

    Workers’ Correspondence While Secretary of Education Rod Paige’s recent statement that the National Education Association is a “terrorist organization” is disturbing enough in itself, his apology issued later that same day is even more alarming. Secretary...

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