Article Listing

  • Southwest, the LUV airline, is a heart-breaker

    Southwest, the LUV airline, is a heart-breaker

    February 27, 2004

    DALLAS – Flight attendants in Transport Workers Union Local 556 sent a powerful Valentine’s Day message to the bosses at Southwest Airlines Feb. 13 with informational pickets and rallies at all seven major airports served. There...

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  • Bush sneaks in another extremist judge

    Bush sneaks in another extremist judge

    February 27, 2004

    Reaction to George W. Bush’s Feb. 20 back-door appointment of Alabama Attorney General William Pryor as a U.S. appeals court judge was swift and scathing. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), one of the senior members of the...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    February 27, 2004

    Spain: Dockers hurt during demonstrations At least 50 people were hurt Feb. 17 in clashes between police and dockers in various Spanish cities, Prensa Latina reported. Nearly 14,000 workers employed by Izar, the country’s largest naval...

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  • Iran undergoes silent coup detat

    Iran undergoes silent coup detat

    February 27, 2004

    In the wake of the wholesale disqualification of 2,500 pro-reform candidates, the Feb. 20 parliamentary elections in Iran yielded predictable results: conservative forces gained the control of the Majlis, or national parliament. The barring of the...

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  • World Court holds hearings on Israeli wall

    World Court holds hearings on Israeli wall

    February 27, 2004

    Opening the oral hearings at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legal consequences of the Israeli government’s separation wall, Palestinian UN representative Nasser Kidwa said that the wall will render a two-state solution to...

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