Article Listing

  • Philadelphia  Nurses reject contract

    Philadelphia Nurses reject contract

    December 12, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – Nurses at the Medical College of Pennsylvania Hospital (MCP), on strike for nearly a month, rejected Tenet Health Care Corporation’s latest contract offer on Dec. 1. The issue, nurses say, is mandatory overtime. They...

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  • States face fiscal crisis

    States face fiscal crisis

    December 12, 2003 By David Eisenhower

    In 2004, states across the country will be experiencing their fourth straight year of budget woes. While the official explanation tends to blame a weak economy for anemic revenues, a closer examination reveals that federal policies...

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  • Why are the airline workers smiling?

    Why are the airline workers smiling?

    December 12, 2003

    DALLAS – Flight attendants at Southwest Airlines may keep on smiling for the passengers, but they have been through a grueling contract negotiation period that has already lasted more than 18 months. One of management’s main...

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  • Eyewitness report  Picket line drama: scab joins union

    Eyewitness report Picket line drama: scab joins union

    December 12, 2003

    BURBANK, Calif. – Hollywood entertainment workers, all union members, joined a real-life drama when they turned out in force to support the grocery workers picket line at the Pavilions store Dec. 4, the 54th day of...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    December 12, 2003

    Australia: Tied to U.S. coattails? “The Howard Government is pouring billions of dollars into military spending as part of long-term preparations for ongoing conflict, recklessly tying Australia to Uncle Sam’s coattails in endless U.S. terror wars,”...

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