Article Listing

  • Toronto Film Festival 2003: Documentaries show glimpse of real life

    Toronto Film Festival 2003: Documentaries show glimpse of real life

    November 22, 2003

    Documentaries always provide a rich fertile ground for progressive ideas and those selected for this year’s Toronto International Film Festival’s Real to Reel Program are no exception. Outstanding titles include “The Corporation,” an impressive Canadian examination...

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  • Book review: Maybe Caesar wasnt such a bad guy, after all

    Book review: Maybe Caesar wasnt such a bad guy, after all

    November 22, 2003

    “The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome” By Michael Parenti. The New Press, 2003, Hardcover, 276 pages, $24.95. Karl Marx observed that “The history of hitherto existing society is the history of...

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  • School lunches use kids as guinea pigs

    School lunches use kids as guinea pigs

    November 22, 2003

    As obesity statistics continue to soar for U.S. children, schools across the country are examining their lunch menus with a critical eye. Large school districts like New York City and Los Angeles have banned soda in...

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  • Institutional racism still going strong

    Institutional racism still going strong

    November 22, 2003

    Coming on the heels of statistics showing vast disparities between the educational outcomes of African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans and whites, a new, comprehensive report shows how far we have to go in Chicago...

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  • Sticky situation in Miami

    Sticky situation in Miami

    November 22, 2003

    The alert public authorities in Miami are to be commended for discovering a new terrorist threat, a new fundamental attack on the safety of all Americans. A threat to our way of life, a threat to...

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