Article Listing

  • Navy attacks peaceful protest in Vieques

    Navy attacks peaceful protest in Vieques

    April 12, 2002

    The U.S. Navy attacked peaceful protestors outside the fenced in bombing zone with tear gas and rubber bullets April 6, in Vieques, Puerto Rico. While the Navy claims that they acted in response to rock throwing,...

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  • ARA founded in Illinois

    ARA founded in Illinois

    April 12, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    CHICAGO – Although her e-mail is still sent to the Illinois State Council of Senior Citizens, Connie Engholm is now the executive director of the Illinois Alliance of Retired Americans (IARA).

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  • Bush ergonomic plan a phony

    Bush ergonomic plan a phony

    April 12, 2002

    AFL-CIO President John Sweeney denounced the workplace safety policy announced by the Bush administration on April 5 as a “weak and unenforceable ‘plan’” that offers workers no real protections against the nation’s biggest safety problem –...

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  • Class war felt in Chicago

    Class war felt in Chicago

    April 12, 2002

    CHICAGO – “This is class war,” declared Barbara Ehrenreich, activist and author. Ehrenreich was responding to testimony before a Chicago Workers Rights Board on April 6 that focused on the devastating impact of the economic crisis...

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  • Wal-Mart tops Fortune 500 list

    Wal-Mart tops Fortune 500 list

    April 12, 2002

    Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the discounter that has become the dominant force in American retailing, is now the largest company in the nation and the world, capturing the top spot on the annual Fortune 500 list. Wal-Mart,...

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