Article Listing

  • Of rags and bushes

    Of rags and bushes

    March 29, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    When I worked in Washington State’s tall and uncut on the foot hills of Mt. Rainier we had a saying for the unbelievable or outlandish: “That takes the rag off the bush,” we would say, expecting...

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  • Michigan ups benefits

    Michigan ups benefits

    March 29, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    LANSING, Mich. – Two thousand workers attended a rally here March 13 at the state capitol. The rally was called by the State AFL-CIO to pressure the right wing Republican-controlled legislature to increase the benefit amount...

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  • Letters


    March 29, 2002

    Mainstream ideas “The world economy today is a huge casino.” So spoke Fidel Castro in remarks to the International Conference of Financing for Development just held in Mexico. But, in order to accomodate President Bush’s imperial...

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  • Another right wing group

    Another right wing group

    March 29, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    Americans for Victory Over Terrorism (AVOT), a newly founded neo-conservative organization headed by William Bennett, has launched a full-blown public relations campaign meant to silence critics of President George W. Bush’s war on terrorism.

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  • Health care: No level playing field

    Health care: No level playing field

    March 29, 2002 By Evelina Alarcon

    A study by the National Academies’ Institute of Medicine shows racial and ethnic minorities tend to receive lower-quality health care than whites do, even when insurance status, income, age and severity of conditions are comparable. The...

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