Article Listing

  • Americans and Afghans grieve together

    Americans and Afghans grieve together

    February 1, 2002

    KABUL, Afghanistan – Coming together in common grief, a group of Americans who lost relatives in the Sept. 11 terror attacks on Jan. 16 visited three Afghan children whose mother was killed in an errant U.S....

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  • Israeli public opinion: Something has changed

    Israeli public opinion: Something has changed

    February 1, 2002

    TEL AVIV – Awareness is growing among the Israeli public about the serious dangers caused by Sharon’s policies and actions against the Palestinians, and new opposition to it can be seen. The media are increasingly reporting...

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  • Letters


    February 1, 2002

    Controversy is democracy Our history is not good. We scalped the Indians when we conquered the land and we lied and said they scalped the whiteman first. We broke every treaty and agreement with them. Abraham...

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  • Editorials


    February 1, 2002

    Meeting the challenge African-American History Month begins against the backdrop of deepening working-class poverty and unemployment, ongoing racial profiling and more Black men and women in jail than in college. The Sept. 11 attack is still...

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  • Students oppose tuition hikes

    Students oppose tuition hikes

    February 1, 2002

    CHICAGO – Deep funding cuts aimed at solving the Illinois state budget crisis will wallop students in the University of Illinois (U of I) system. Republican Gov. George Ryan has cut $34 million in funds allocated...

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