Article Listing

  • War on terror makes world more dangerous

    War on terror makes world more dangerous

    January 18, 2002

    NEW ANALYSIS On the surface, the prosecution of the war in Afghanistan has gone well in the eyes of the Bush administration. The Taliban government has been toppled from power, its supporters are either dead or...

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  • Stop Bush from closing Womens Bureau

    Stop Bush from closing Womens Bureau

    January 18, 2002

    Do working women need a federal agency to deal with their concerns as wage earners? According to the Bush administration, the answer is no as plans were announced to close all regional offices of the Women’s...

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  • State budget woes threaten social program

    State budget woes threaten social program

    January 18, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    District Council 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Workers is part of a coalition that has so far blunted Illinois Gov. George Ryan’s attempt to ram $500 million in budget cuts through...

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  • Steelworkers fight for jobs

    Steelworkers fight for jobs

    January 18, 2002

    NEWS ANALYSIS LTV Corp. is robbing steelworkers, their families and communities of jobs, benefits and a future. Questions are being asked that directly affect 7,500 LTV steelworkers and 60,000 retirees in Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. Bishop...

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  • Cuban government issues statement on Guantanamo

    Cuban government issues statement on Guantanamo

    January 18, 2002

    In a recent statement, the government of Cuba offered its cooperation to the U.S. as well as providing medical and other humanitarian services to the prisoners of the war in Afghanistan held at the Guantanamo U.S....

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