Article Listing

  • 700 attend State of the Black World conference

    700 attend State of the Black World conference

    January 12, 2002

    ATLANTA – The State of the Black World Conference was held here Nov. 28-Dec. 2 with 700 African Americans, Africans and African descendents from England, the Americas and many Caribbean Islands, including Cuba. It was convened...

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  • Homelessness rises across the nation

    Homelessness rises across the nation

    January 12, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    The first storm of the season brought more than snow and cold to the thousands of homeless people in New York City.

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  • What caused the crisis in Argentina

    What caused the crisis in Argentina

    January 12, 2002

    The Communist Party of Argentina (CPA) hailed the victory of the mass uprising led by the United Left that has forced the resignation of four presidents in Argentina in the past two weeks. The CPA demanded...

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  • Disabilities group blasts high court ruling

    Disabilities group blasts high court ruling

    January 12, 2002

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous Jan. 8 decision to reverse a lower court’s ruling, which had been in favor of an injured woman auto worker, was sharply criticized by defenders of civil rights for...

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  • An eyewitness speaks on the costs of war

    An eyewitness speaks on the costs of war

    January 12, 2002

    Jim Jennings, president of Conscience International, has seen the costs of war up close. Jennings, currently preparing for his fourth trip to Afghanistan, said, “The public is being shielded from the extent of civilian casualties; if...

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