Article Listing

  • Anti-bilingual  law challenged  in Arizona

    Anti-bilingual law challenged in Arizona

    December 14, 2001

    TUCSON, Ariz. – In a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for Arizona the William E. Morris Institute for Justice (Justice Institute) has challenged the constitutionality of voter-approved Proposition 203, which places severe limitations...

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  • Latino coalition urges drug law reform

    Latino coalition urges drug law reform

    December 14, 2001

    NEW YORK – Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer joined New York State Assemblymen Peter Rivera and Jeffrion Aubry, and Latino Health and Justice Coalition leaders Dec. 6 to call on Gov. George Pataki to support the...

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  • UT students speak out

    UT students speak out

    December 14, 2001

    KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – More than 100 students, faculty and community activists gathered on the steps of the College of Law at the University of Tennessee (UT) here Nov. 30 to protest the pending dismantlement of affirmative...

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  • Buffalo layoffs protested

    Buffalo layoffs protested

    December 14, 2001

    BUFFALO, N.Y. – “We’ll remember in November” was the message for Gov. George Pataki, chanted loud and clear at a rally of over 1,500 students, parents and teachers at city hall here Dec. 3. The rally...

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  • Unemployment  whats going on?

    Unemployment whats going on?

    December 14, 2001

    On Dec. 6, The Associated Press (AP) reported that the number of laid-off workers had dropped and “the number of Americans receiving unemployment benefits plunged by 349,000 in November,” indications that “the current recession may be...

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