Article Listing

  • Bombing peasants doesnt stop terrorism

    Bombing peasants doesnt stop terrorism

    November 30, 2001

    The bombing campaign against the people of Afghanistan will be described in history as the “U.S. Against the Third World.” The launching of military strikes against peasants does nothing to suppress terrorism, and only erodes American...

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  • Labor wins big in union-busting South Carolina

    Labor wins big in union-busting South Carolina

    November 30, 2001

    CHARLESTON, S.C. – Gathered in the union hall and parking lot on East Bay Street, the dockworkers of International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) Local 1422, mostly African American men, celebrated their hard-fought victory in the case of...

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  • Students protest against school privatization

    Students protest against school privatization

    November 30, 2001

    HARRISBURG, Pa. – Some 1,000 Philadelphia public school students led a demonstration here Nov. 20 against privatization and for full school funding. Busloads of trade unionists, parents, and community leaders joined the students. Hospital Workers Union...

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  • Rifle shot causes stir at airport

    Rifle shot causes stir at airport

    November 30, 2001

    DALLAS – A passenger accidentally fired a hunting rifle at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport on Nov. 23 but no one was hurt, an airport spokeswoman said. The incident occurred as the passenger was complying with a request...

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  • Peace activists demand justice, not war

    Peace activists demand justice, not war

    November 30, 2001

    BALTIMORE, Md. – “Baltimore wants justice, not war” was the cry of several dozen members of the Baltimore Antiwar Coalition, who gathered outside the Garmatz Federal Court House here Nov. 6. The demonstration was held to...

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