Article Listing

  • California lawmakers: Arrest Enron execs

    California lawmakers: Arrest Enron execs

    February 15, 2002

    Houston workers demand justice WASHINGTON – A committee of the California State Senate has demanded that Kenneth Lay and other Enron officials be brought to California to stand trial for contempt for refusing to testify before...

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  • At the movies: Coming attractions

    At the movies: Coming attractions

    February 8, 2002

    For movie lovers, it always seems to be feast or famine. Either there are so many good films to chose from that you might as well sleep in the lobby, or you’re so desperate you’re actually...

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  • Love and sex at the Met

    Love and sex at the Met

    February 8, 2002

    'I believe in eroticism ... because it’s truly a rather widespread thing throughout the world, a thing that everyone understands.' – Marcel Duchamp That statement reflects the heart of “Surrealism: Desire Unbound,” a new exhibit at...

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  • El cine Latinoamericano en el nuevo siglo

    El cine Latinoamericano en el nuevo siglo

    February 8, 2002

    Ya en pleno siglo XXI, en estos 2000 que desandan sus marejadas, el cine latinoamericano, como el cine todo, enfrenta los desafíos propios de los nuevos tiempos. Pero todo cine que no sea Hollywood debe asumir...

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  • Letters


    February 8, 2002

    Needs a hearing President Bush’s state of the union bellicosity was exceeded only by his hyperbole. He was way over the top, what with his apocalyptic warnings of “evil ones,” indeed a terrorist “axis,” bent on...

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