Article Listing

  • Health care for all needed

    Health care for all needed

    October 31, 2001

    The Nation's Health Worker's Safety Health care for all needed By Phil E. Benjamin New York City is facing an increase in unemployed workers stemming from the World Trade Center crisis. About 120,000 newly unemployed workers...

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  • Tobacco still lobbies hard

    Tobacco still lobbies hard

    October 31, 2001

    WASHINGTON - Each day that Congress meets, the nation's four largest cigarette manufacturers spend more than $100,000 pushing their agenda on Capitol Hill Philip Morris Cos., which operates the nation's largest cigarette factory, and three other...

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  • Massachusetts Senior Action: Yes to action, no to war

    Massachusetts Senior Action: Yes to action, no to war

    October 31, 2001

    WORCESTER, Mass. - The Massachusetts Senior Action Council held its convention here Oct. 12 with 300 senior activists coming from around the state. 'Yes to social and political activism; no to war' was the theme of...

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  • Texans to join November 9 protests

    Texans to join November 9 protests

    October 31, 2001

    DALLAS - The North Texas chapter of Jobs with Justice (JwJ) will join in the worldwide protests against the World Trade Organization Nov. 9. The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) has called for worldwide...

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  • Chicago day laborers balk at strike-breaking

    Chicago day laborers balk at strike-breaking

    October 31, 2001

    CHICAGO - On Aug. 9, 65 members of United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Local 1114 went out on strike against the Coach and Car Company of Elk Grove Village, a Chicago suburb. Grievances of the...

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