A historic reintroduction

The word is out. On Sept. 1, the Peoples World launches a brand new state-of-the art website for the recently re-emerged daily working-class Marxist press in United States.

The new format has the potential of dramatically increasing the number of the 100,000 or so online readers we now reach on a monthly basis.

The website will offer news and features in a multi-media format that includes daily and even up to-the-minute news reports, on-site coverage of events, features, podcasts, photographs and even video.

You’ve already heard about the coming AFL-CIO convention in Pittsburgh Sept. 13 to 17. This convention and the events surrounding it will give us the opportunity to test this new venture in an unprecedented way as we bring you coverage of what will be a dynamic labor-led gathering of the new and powerful people’s movement that has exploded onto the scene in the 21st century.

We are taking this so seriously that we intend to have a full team on the ground to bring you up to date on everything.

The labor movement has already put everyone on notice that it will not stand for watering down health care or on the Employee Free Choice Act. It has already put everyone on notice that a second stimulus package on the order of the WPA program of the 1930s is called for. In Pittsburgh it will map the plans to make these things a reality.

And this newspaper will be there with at least 30 other labor publications from around the country, some with technological capabilities similar to ours and some with less technological capability. We are making plans right now to work with all of them to share and pool our resources so that the coverage you get is exponentially better than anything you’ve gotten before.

All of this, of course, costs money.

We will not get any help from the lobbyists who own the Republicans and are buying the conservative Democrats.

We will be in Pittsburgh using our new capabilities to re-introduce ourselves to the labor movement.

Along with Political Affairs and Labor-Up-Front we will have a hospitality suite that will feature a history of our press, the Communist Party and the left in the labor movement. Many at the convention will have the opportunity to see and talk about this history for the first time. You can see why we are so excited about this.

Through our coverage you can be there with us. Please donate whatever you can to reserve “your place” at Pittsburgh!