Dear PW readers,
People’s World has an exciting new project you can be part of.
If you’re like me, then you know how overwhelming the revolution in technology and telecommunications can be. Each day brings new, exciting, and effective ways to communicate and share life events, news, and information with family and friends. Before we master and get comfortable with one technology, a new one comes along!
Now imagine being in our newsroom. The People’s World website was last modernized about eight years ago—it seems like only yesterday. That cutting-edge design gave us a fresh visual look with new capabilities. Readers could access the website through their smartphones and tablets.
Believe it or not, rapid technological changes have made our website antiquated. We need to keep up with new trends in the news industry. Most outlets now feature multi-media platforms integrating various mediums.
That presents an enormous challenge to the People’s World community. We must change to thrive in the new, highly competitive media and technology landscape. To that end, our editors have initiated a website redesign process. Once completed, People’s World will be able to offer a multi-media news and cultural experience, including print, audio articles, podcasts, video content, and live broadcasting. Website navigation, usability, content searching, and social media integration will be easier.
The redesign will combine a modern multi-media platform with great Marxist working-class content, allowing us to grow our audience by communicating in ways people get their news and information. We will grow our voice and influence in the struggles of our working class and people.
People’s World is undergoing its fourth redesign since we went digital. As you can guess, redesigns take time, effort, and – money! Based on the last redesign, the cost will be approximately $100,000.
People’s World couldn’t have existed 100 years without the generous support of you and previous generations of readers. At each critical juncture in the publication’s evolution and each redesign, its readers rose to the occasion and made it possible for the publication to move into the future.
Each redesign is a creative process, empowering the People’s World community – you, our readers, writers, and contributors – at every phase of the project. Your ideas, feedback, and vision for our collective publication are critical.
Your contribution of your hard-earned money will help get the project off the ground. This fall, our People’s World community aims to raise a $50,000 “down payment” and close this year’s operating deficit. Together, we raised over $140,000 in the Spring Fund Drive, so we know we can do it!
Your donation will ensure People’s World can elevate the voice for socialism, democracy, equality, and environmental justice in the rapidly changing world and media landscape.
Thanks again for all you do!
John Bachtell
President, Long View Publishing Co., Inc. (Publisher of People’s World)