Hunger strikers in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison, in the capital Tehran, are approaching their third week without food in protest at being transferred to solitary confinement, inhuman prison conditions and their violent treatment in prison.
In total 17 political prisoners have been on hunger strike since July 26. Those involved in the protest include student leader Abdullah Momeni, writer Keyvan Samimi and journalist Bahman Ahmadi Amooei.
On Wednesday this week, the tenth day of the hunger strike, relatives protested in front of the Office of the Prosecutor General in Tehran to demand the release of their loved ones and improved conditions for them. They carried photographs of the prisoners and posters demanding their release. Security forces attacked the gathering of the families and tried to disperse them. The security forces grabbed the posters, tore them and attacked the families. Some were beaten up.
Such action on the part of the security forces is part of the wider context of political repression in Iran since the June 12, 2009, presidential election. The crackdown on the opposition is reaching every area including political and religious groups.
According to confirmed reports, Hoda Saber, an activist of the National-Religious Movement, has been missing since July 24 and the security police and judiciary authorities of the regime in Iran have not yet taken responsibility for his arrest.
On July 25 the National-Religious website posted this news and wrote: “Hoda Saber, a National-Religious activist, has been missing since he left his workplace, most likely he has been abducted. He was summoned to prison three weeks ago on the phone to serve his sentence. However, his lawyer had contacted the court and requested to serve him a written summons. No written summons has yet been served.”
Jamshid Ahmadi, assistant general secretary of the Committee for the Defense of the Iranian People’s Right (CODIR), on Aug. 5 strongly condemned the action of the Iranian regime, stating:
“The regime has found itself unable to overcome the political crisis in the country and continues to target political prisoners in revenge. By persecuting political detainees the government hopes to be able to frighten the opposition spreading in Iranian cities and towns. The regime has chosen violent suppression as a response against peaceful and legitimate protest demanding basic human and democratic rights.”
CODIR has protested against the upsurge of suppressive measures in Iran and has called on the Iranian regime to stop its murderous practices. It has called on international public opinion to condemn the persecution of political detainees in Iran and called on the regime in Iran to stop executions.
Mr. Ahmadi, went on to state “that it is only through a united and effective international campaign against both the persecution and execution of political prisoners in Iran that the current atrocities can be stopped.”
CODIR is calling upon all democratic individuals and organizations, in particular the labor and trade union movement, to write protest letters to the Iranian diplomatic missions and embassies calling on the regime to halt the persecution of political prisoners and to demand that the Iranian regime,
• End the torture and execution of political prisoners in Iran
• Immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners from detention
• Respect the international conventions guaranteeing human rights.
CODIR has said that it is against these and any other executions and rejects capital punishment under any circumstances.
Letters should be sent to:
Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
E-mail: info_leader@leader.ir
Via website: http://www.leader.ir/langs/en/index.php?p=letter (English)
Salutation: Your Excellency
Photo: CODIR