As Gaza deaths hit 25,000, China calls for international ceasefire conference
China's Foreign Minister, Wang Yi. | AP

CAIRO—As the death toll from Israel’s endless bombing campaign soars past 25,000 in Gaza, China is calling for an international peace conference to halt the killing and pledging to help Palestinians rebuild.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said his government is issuing a global call to convene a “larger-scale, more authoritative and effective” international peace conference to resolve the crisis created in the Gaza Strip.

He said that the civilian infrastructure in Gaza has been “completely destroyed, leaving millions struggling to survive. Wang promised that his country will continue to provide humanitarian aid to residents in Palestine now and help them rebuild after the war.

To win lasting peace, he said the international community must “listen carefully” to the legitimate concerns of all the countries in the region.

The Chinese foreign minister also emphasized that actual timetables must be determined as a matter of urgency for the realization of the two-state solution: a Palestinian state in the territories occupied in 1967 alongside the State of Israel.

Wang made the statements in Cairo after concluding talks with his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry, and with the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Abu El-Rayet.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Wang and Abu El-Rayet agreed that the international community should act to bring about a ceasefire as soon as possible.

In addition to serving as the Chinese government’s foreign minister, Wang is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, issued the call in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

Speaking to the press after the meetings, Wang expressed “China’s support for the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians as soon as possible,” saying that it was necessary to immediately begin international discussions for “the final realization of peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel and the coexistence of the peoples of the region.”

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Zo HaDerekh
Zo HaDerekh

Zo HaDerekh (This Is The Way) is the Communist Party of Israel's Hebrew-language newspaper.

