I explained at the recent CPUSA convention in New York that Communists have always embraced the highest technology. In Lenin’s day, the highest form of information technology was newspapers, and he touted this technology throughout his famous pamphlet, “What Is to be Done?” in 1902.

Imagine, though, some of the older Bolsheviks discussing the pamphlet:

“I used to think Lenin was a sharp cookie, but he’s gone too far this time. Have you read ‘What is to be done?’ He talks about newspapers all the way through it! This new technology will never catch on!

“Sure, you can reach thousands of people with a single article in a newspaper, but it’s just doesn’t communicate nearly as well as our old way of having speakers drop by from time to time with their news and analysis. Can a newspaper raise its voice? Can it wave its arms? Speakers are far better!

“Also, why would anybody want to go through all the hassle of learning this technology? It involves paper, it involves ink, it involves pictures, it involves printing presses – these are things that the common worker doesn’t know much about, and I doubt very seriously that they will want to learn it just so they can keep up with Lenin and people like him!

“No, Comrade V.I. Lenin has gone too far in pushing us toward this new technology. It won’t work, and we won’t ever hear of him again!”


