Couple covered by over 10,000 bees

(Xinhua) The couple of beekeepers Li Wenhua (C, front) and Yan Hongxia, are enshrouded with over 10,000 bees, by using the queen bee as a bait, to showcase their familiarity and intimacy with the bee and apiculture supremacy with over 20 years’ experience in interacting with the bee, in Jingbo Township, Ning’an City, northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, July 16, 2009.(Xinhua/Zhang Chunxiang)


Xinhua News Agency
Xinhua News Agency

La Agencia de Noticias Xinhua es el servicio de noticias oficial de la República Popular China. Fundada por primera vez en 1931, en la actualidad opera oficinas en más de 170 países de todo el mundo y 31 en China. Xinhua News Agency is the official news service of the People's Republic of China. First founded in 1931, today it operates bureaus in more than 170 countries around the world and 31 across China.

