The Cuban media is giving considerable coverage to the visit to that country by CPUSA National Chairman Sam Webb, People’s Weekly World Editor Terrie Albano and Northern California District Chair Juan Lopez, who arrived in Havana June 8 on invitation of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Granma highlighted the delegation’s meeting with relatives of the Cuban Five – Gerardo Hernández, René González, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino and Fernando González – now serving long prison sentences in the U.S. under extremely harsh conditions for seeking to blow the whistle on anti-Cuban terrorist activities being hatched from U.S. soil.

“We really need to have the same combative spirit as those five heroes,” Webb said. “It is ironic that these men should be fighting against terrorism and find themselves imprisoned in the ‘age of combating terrorism.’”

Family members of the five recounted the grueling ordeal they have suffered as the U.S. administration has prevented them from visiting their loved ones. “I would like for us to meet under different circumstances,” Webb told the family members. “We share the pain you feel as a result of the injustice being done to your loved ones, and we also share your sadness.” Webb said it was an honor to talk with people who have so much courage and spirit. On returning home, he added, the delegation will step up work to publicize the case. “We believe this battle can be won,” he said. “We assure you that we will do everything possible to free your loved ones.”

In a meeting with Pedro Saez, Communist Party first secretary in Havana, Webb emphasized the defeat of George W. Bush in November as the CPUSA’s immediate challenge, according to Radio Rebelde and Radio Havana Cuba. He added that the CPUSA will do everything possible to eliminate the U.S. economic, trade and financial blockade imposed against Cuba.

Webb also praised the Cuban revolution’s humanism after learning about some of the social programs Cuba has undertaken to enhance specialized attention to children, adolescents, the elderly and disabled people.

Saez highlighted the transformations now underway in education and public health, and emphasized that despite more than 40 years of blockade, Cuba has overcome material difficulties to a great extent. He described the challenges facing the party organization in Havana, and the “battle of ideas” to promote culture and social consciousness among the people.

Webb said the Cuban people’s overwhelming achievements despite the blockade are an inspiring example to the people of the United States, and called the struggle to end the embargo the highest expression of internationalism.

Citing George W. Bush’s repeated verbal attacks against the island nation, Webb said Cuba occupies a real moral high ground compared to the hypocrisy and lies emanating from Washington.

