Final countdown to stop TPP: call today

We’re in the home stretch to stop bad trade deals that lower our wages and ship our jobs overseas. But we need you to join us in taking action. 

We’re flooding our representatives’ phones today asking them to vote “No” on all trade bills. 

Call today: 1-855-712-8441. It’s easy and takes less than one minute!

And here’s a little mood music to get you pumped up in honor of #ThrowbackThursday.

Meanwhile, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka issued the following statement in advance of the expected vote on Fast Track trade authority in the House of Representatives:

“Members of Congress have an important decision to make today when they cast their votes on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). They have the opportunity to stand up for the working people who voted them into office, and not cave to the corporate interests that have far too much influence on the American economy.

“When working people send Members to Congress it is their hope that they will honor that trust and act in their best interests.  That means supporting fair wages, safe working conditions and a real opportunity to compete in the global economy. But passage of TPA would do the opposite.  It would lead to another bad trade deal that will cost American jobs.  Deals like this are why voters are frustrated and think that Washington is broken.  But we can do better than this.  By defeating TPA Congress can send a message that our government belongs not to the highest corporate bidders but to the working people who make our country run.”

Photo: AFL-CIO Now Blog


Jackie Tortora
Jackie Tortora

Jackie Tortora is Senior Digital Strategies Manager at AFL CIO.