ELYRIA, Ohio — Hammering “failed Republican economic policies,” Sen. Hillary Clinton rallied 1,000 cheering residents of Lorain County to go all out to elect Barack Obama president.
Speaking in the packed lobby of Lorain Community College here, Clinton charged that Ohio has lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs since George W. Bush took office. With unemployment at a five-year high of 8.2 percent, Lorain County has been particularly hard hit.
“McCain says he can’t do anything about that,” she said, referring to Obama’s Republican opponent, “but if we don’t, we won’t recognize our country in the next 10 years.”
“We need to move to clean energy and create 5 million new green power jobs,” she said.
“Only Obama and the Democratic Party have answers,” Clinton said. “We must quit incentivizing companies to move out of the country and reward companies that provide benefits to their employees.
“We need quality, affordable health care for every single American,” she declared to loud applause. “I can’t wait to see President Obama sign that into law.”
According to McCain, “47 million Americans without health care is not a crisis,” Clinton said as the audience booed. “He wants to privatize Social Security.”
“I say No Way, No How, No McCain, No Palin.”
“It’s not going to be easy,” Clinton told the crowd. “It should be, but it won’t be.”
“ To all of you who supported me in the primary, I ask you to work as hard for Barack Obama as you worked for me.”