On Tuesday the Los Angeles Board of Education approved nearly 9,000 layoff notices for permanent elementary school teachers, probationary teachers, and some non-teaching personnel and administration officials.

LA is the second largest school district in the country with a student population of more than 688,000. It is dealing with a budget gap of $700 million over the next fiscal cycle. Union members filled the board of education meeting room and demonstrated outside on Tuesday.

Kathleen Hernandez is a third grade teacher who spoke about the pressures the job cuts will place on the stretched thin teachers and administrators.

‘What will we do when we don’t have our principal who has the time, because he doesn’t have an assistant principal, to talk to the children, to know them all by name?’

Megan Boyd is a science teacher with the district:

‘It’s all these people it isn’t just about teachers; it’s about everyone they’re going to cut. It’s about education.’

