Let’s celebrate 100 years of revolutionary, working-class journalism!

People’s World celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024. That’s 100 years of revolutionary, working-class crusading journalism and an achievement we’re very proud of.

Among the many ways we’re celebrating this landmark is by raising $125,000 for the 2024 Spring Fund Drive from Feb. 1 to May Day. Without you and your deep appreciation for our unique and indispensable role, we can’t reach our goal and we wouldn’t exist!

Please celebrate with us by donating $100 for 100 years!

The American people face an existential threat to democracy, unlike anything since the Civil War. Information warfare and the unprecedented assault on truth are critical components of this threat.

We’ve never faced anything like it, from corporate concentration and monopolization of mass communications and the flow of information and the existence of a vast right-wing propaganda ecosystem. Together, they are wreaking havoc on public discourse, politics, culture, civic society, and the class and democratic struggle.

We are witnessing the decimation of traditional print journalism, news departments, and local coverage. Last year, media companies laid off 2,300 news reporters. The layoffs came in response to falling revenues, the acquisition of iconic newspapers by Wall Street hedge fund vultures, and their gutting and dismemberment to reap maximum profits.

We are not laying off at People’s World! We’re committed to expanding coverage of struggles to defend democracy, voter mobilization, and grassroots movement building. You can help by donating $100 to celebrate 100 years of fighting journalism!

Major media outlets earned enormous profits in 2016 and 2020 by covering the elections like a horse race, promoting false equivalencies and “access journalism,” and normalizing Trump fascism. They did it to “gain eyeballs,” grow audiences, and bolster the bottom-line profits.

And they’re doing it again in 2024!

People’s World will never compromise journalistic integrity, normalize fascism, or create false equivalencies. We take sides – for the working class, people, democracy, and the truth!

The vast right-wing propaganda ecosystem and the MAGA fascist Republican Party are joined at the hip. The right-wing ecosystem has created “information silos” where nearly half the country lives in an alternative reality, forming the basis of a mass fascist movement. The right-wing media ecosystem is brainwashing tens of millions with propaganda, disinformation, lies, conspiracy theories, AI-generated deep fakes, and hate, and fusing fascist ideas from the fringes to the mainstream.

This new mass communications and political reality is an enormous challenge for the pro-democracy, anti-MAGA majority, multi-racial working class, and the people. It’s challenging for People’s World to “up our game” to produce better content and reinvigorate our mass communication and social media platforms.

And it’s why completing the 2024 Spring Fund Drive and the goal of $125,000 between Feb. 1 and May 1 is an absolute must. We’ll get there because you’ll ensure we do! Please donate $100 for 100 years today! And thanks for all your support!

Let’s go!

People’s World Editors

John Wojcik, Editor-in-Chief

C.J. Atkins, Managing Editor

Chauncey K. Robinson, Social Media Editor

We hope you appreciated this article. At People’s World, we believe news and information should be free and accessible to all, but we need your help. Our journalism is free of corporate influence and paywalls because we are totally reader-supported. Only you, our readers and supporters, make this possible. If you enjoy reading People’s World and the stories we bring you, please support our work by donating or becoming a monthly sustainer today. Thank you!

