Thank you to voters
This Election Day for me was one of the most important in my 50 years. I have been a consistent voter since I turned 18. In those 32 years I have never felt so personally affected by any election as I did this one.
The night before I had felt somewhat nervous, as I tried not to think of the horrible possibility of another Republican-dominated House and Senate. As I woke up in the morning I got ready and left for my polling place, which is my habit: vote in the morning and wear my “I Voted” sticker all day to help remind others to vote. I felt scared, as I felt that so much in my life was at stake. “Oh my God this is the day,” I thought to myself, “the day that could either keep my son in danger in Iraq or bring him home sooner.”
As I walked in the auditorium there were lots of people, the polling booths were full and so were my eyes. The tears began to flow uncontrollably; I tried to hide them as I approached the table for my ballot. The pollster handed me my ballot, looking oddly at me. The person assigned to instruct voters on how to slip the ballot in the machine saw me, and hesitantly asked if I knew how to insert the ballot. I just nodded yes. With each mark of my ballot I could hardly control my tears. I placed my ballot in the box, got my sticker and quickly walked to my car.
Once in the car I let out all that I was feeling. I cried as I thought of all the parents whose children are serving in Iraq. I empathized with the families of all those soldiers who had lost their lives in this immoral war. I cried and prayed that the voters of this country could feel all the military families’ pain and vote out the warmongers. To my relief, the American people spoke loud and clear: End the War Now! I thank all of you who voted for peace. You have given us hope and renewed strength to continue the fight to bring our children home.
Rossana Cambron
Los Angeles CA
‘Isms’ not incompatible
Religion and communism are not incapable of existing together in harmony because the highest interest of both is man’s good, and peace and justice on earth. Both are idealistic and invincible.
Many people can with “open mind” attend church sincerely and then when home read a communist publication, enjoying both experiences.
Both are for a better world of sweetness and light and are not incompatible.
George T. Gaylord Jr.
Anaheim CA
Right side of history
I believe that we in the Communist Party should take a moment to give ourselves one big congratulations for a fine job leading up to the elections. Our efforts proved we are on the right side of history. We said that Bush’s Iraq policies are failing, and the voters overwhelmingly agreed. We said that we want to protect the most disadvantaged in society and the most vulnerable, and the voters agreed with us here as well. Of course it wasn’t a perfect victory. Nor is it going to be easy in the days and months ahead. But, our party helped contribute to a new direction for the United States, and for that, we should be very proud.
David Guard
Lansing MI
Unity was the byword in the 2006 election. I saw environmentalists, trade unionists, communists, democrats, Wal-Mart workers, immigrants, Working Families Party, retirees and peace activists converge to do labor walks and door knocking to kick Republicans out of government. The understanding was that maybe alone we could win small victories, but not the big ones that impact all the people’s movements and issues.
The emergence of Mujeres de la Tierra is a welcomed development for Mexican Americans, the environmental movement and our nation. Unfortunately, the PWW (Associated Press) Nov. 4-10 article reporting a recent victory of this group was laced with anti-environmentalism.
“We’re not the tree huggers” not only picks up on a right-wing slur, it displays a lack of understanding of the ecosystem approach that’s needed to help enhance the air and water mentioned in the article. Protecting endangered species, decried in the article, protects habitat that maintains watersheds for drinking water and cleanses the air.
Advocating distancing itself from mainstream environmental groups will erect a brake in Mujeres de la Tierra’s potential to win more and bigger victories. Anti-working-class ideas, including racism, exist in the environmental movement as they do in the trade union and peace movements. Striving for unity around issues of common interest will help us root out divisive ideologies and win those bigger victories. Si se puede!
Len Yannielli
Waterbury CT
Fed up over job loss
I just got thru reading your article on the election and I think it is very clear that the people in general are fed up with the Republican Party as whole and there is a lot of anger out there amongst us Americans. I mean look at the facts. It only took Bush and his band of idiots in the White House six months to destroy our economy, putting millions of hard-working Americans out of work by sending over 3 million jobs overseas in one year. I can’t recall a president losing that many jobs in just a little under two years, then he goes and tells the news media that these were jobs “Americans did not want.” I think Mr. Bush and his band or Asylum of Helpless and Incompetent Jackasses should have said these were jobs his administration did not want us Americans to have, simply because he wants to lay the groundwork to break up organized labor unions and drive the small business out of business.
David Schneider
Via e-mail
Web site suggestion
I just thought that I should let you know. I am currently using your news services and I think that it’s pretty helpful. One thing that I was wondering — could the articles have a link to show what the article looks like in the newspaper, showing the texts and the pictures as if it was the newspaper. It’s just a suggestion.
Vue Cha
Via e-mail