Mad as hell
This is a copy of a comment sent to JP Morgan Chase’s Global Media Relations department.
JP Morgan Chase just tried to take my little house through foreclosure after only a few months, even though I consistently let my mortgage company know what kind of trouble I was having. Then JP Morgan sent my case to a lawyer who I could never get ahold of or even leave a message with. I was fortunate enough to declare bankruptcy, I guess, and stop the foreclosure, but I’ve got to pay this bastard a few thousand now with my $7 an hour job that it took me months to get. Here’s my point:
I’m studying to be a social studies teacher and I’m going to make it my personal mission to show the truth to my students about J.P. Morgan, Carnegie, and that murdering bastard Rockefeller (Ludlow Massacre). J.P. Morgan was a nasty, greedy capitalist regarded as some kind of philanthropic hero when actually he stood on the backs of the starving and abused workers.
JP Morgan and the rest of the creepy capitalist corporations are ruining our society, or do you all even go beyond your frickin’ gated communities to notice what’s going on? Probably not.
J.P. Morgan’s heirs have nothing to be proud of when it comes to his legacy. I don’t care how much money they have, they don’t deserve it because they got it off the backs of the downtrodden — and still are! JP Morgan doesn’t care what it does to people or to communities. Our society is headed for a serious depression and guess what then? Long live the revolution! I hope we won’t need you bastards then.
Catherine Burns
Springfield LA
I was astounded by W.T. Whitney’s article on Chile (PWW 9/22-28). I don’t claim to be as well-informed as Whitney on current events in Chile, but the analysis by the Chilean Communist Party seems to be off the wall.
It’s one thing to be critical of a government from which its people, as well as the international community, expected more. In fact, such criticism may not only be justified but constructive. But how can the Communist Party state, as quoted in the article, that “The regime today has fostered repressive political powers at a level never seen in Chile’s history”? Did the party forget Pinochet?
Seymour Joseph
Brooklyn NY
Tom Whitney responds:
Seymour Joseph raises a good question. The quote from the Chilean Communist Party statement as it appears does indeed seem to exaggerate. Some of the problem, I suggest, lies in the translation. I should have translated “fuerzas represivas policiales” as “repressive police forces,” not as, unthinkingly, “repressive political powers.” But even so, I now wonder, in company with Mr. Joseph, about exaggeration. Yet the writer(s) of the statement are on the scene and further, they surely have not forgotten Pinochet and would not frivolously have described a “level never seen” without knowing specifics about police in today’s Chile that are beyond us. The police detained over 700 protesters during a general strike in Chile on Aug. 29. I thank Mr. Joseph for his attentive reading.
Jena 6 struggle continues
Melissa Gordon, a 27-year-old social work student at the University of Tennessee, reported two white men appearing in a truck with a noose in their hands. They had a shotgun on them and were arrested for trying to incite a race riot. Unfortunately, Melissa experienced this while maintaining a presence to attempt to stop racial hate crimes. We traveled together with people from across the country to support the Jena Six, young men imprisoned for defending themselves against a hate crime.
This rally is historic. I heard about it when I attended church with my mother on a Sunday morning.
This situation will only get better when all unite against the face of racism, when students are taught the whole of history and our schools become places where all students are respected and free. As the country continues to mobilize to support the Jena Six, we also need to connect it to the broader struggle for peace and equality.
Gregory King
Nashville TN
The elephant in the room
The following letter was sent to the local papers. One of them printed it.
What will it take to get our politicians, legislators and presidential candidates to acknowledge that the health care system in the United States needs a major makeover? The latest news that New Mexico’s most prestigious health plan of the Public Employees Retirement Association is in trouble and underfunded is only the latest evidence of this.
No one wishes to recognize the elephant in the room — the health insurance organizations and pharmaceutical companies that eat up a huge percentage of the health care dollars with their profits, payments to stockholders, and obscene salaries of CEOs.
Health care should not be for profit! All the developed countries in the world now operate successfully on a single-payer universal health care system. Everyone is covered, there is no paperwork, no one is turned down for legitimate health care, and it is affordable. The insurance companies can try to scare us by calling it “socialized medicine,” but the capitalist countries of England, France and so many others wouldn’t give it up to go back to our regressive system.
Let’s force our legislators to recognize that elephant in the room, and opt for a better system. In Congress, that’s HR 676, nicknamed “Medicare for All.” It’s got 78 sponsors, including John Conyers and Dennis Kucinich. Rep. Tom Udall is one of the signers. In New Mexico, it’s the NM Health Security Act. Get that elephant out of the room!
Rose Shaw
Albuquerque NM