Original source: Zimbawean President Robert Mugabe pledged to continue land redistribution at his lavish 85th birthday party on Saturday.
Mr Mugabe said: ‘Land distribution will continue. It will not stop.
‘The few remaining white farmers should quickly vacate their farms as they have no place there.’
The birthday bash, which reportedly cost £175,000, was held as Zimbabwe faces the world’s highest inflation rate, a hunger crisis and a cholera epidemic that has killed nearly 4,000 people since August.
Last year, Mr Mugabe’s ZANU-PF agreed to enter a coalition government with MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who became prime minister.
But he told the crowd of 2,000: ‘I am still in control and hold executive authority, so nothing much has changed.’
There has been a recent upsurge in reported ‘invasions’ of white-owned farms, with one support group saying at least 40 white farmers have been forced off their land since January.