Statement issued by the Palestinian People’s Party, June 17, 2007

Our Palestinian people, wherever they are, have been shocked by the bloody developments and events witnessed by the Gaza region and the takeover of authority by armed militias, along with acts of killing, assassination, theft and plunder, especially the ransacking of presidential and official offices and the homes of large numbers of leaders of the Fatah movement and innocent civilians, as well as arbitrary summary “trials” that led to death sentences. This coup has also dealt a heavy blow to the Palestinian national project, and threatens the unity of the homeland and its social fabric.

The Palestinian People’s Party, from a position of national responsibility and concern for the future and interests of our people and their legitimate national demands, calls upon the leadership of the Hamas movement to rescind this policy and refrain from imposing facts on the ground with the force of arms, which threatens our people’s steadfastness and their existence on their land.

The People’s Party warns against the transfer of the state of chaos and infighting to the West Bank, and calls for refraining from reacting with vengeful acts and taking the law into one’s hand. It also calls for an immediate halt to the attacks targeting figures from the Hamas movement, as well as an end to the ransacking of public and private properties and institutions, especially the municipalities, local councils, etc.

Our party has considered national unity and national consensus to be the proper way to strengthen our people’s struggle and to enable them to focus attention on the principal task of resisting the occupation. Based on this, the Party expressed its support for the Mecca Agreement and took part in the Unity Government to spare our people the dangers of infighting and armed confrontation, which did happen despite this.

Regardless of the intensity of armed conflict and the level of control through military might, the solution at the end can only be a political solution, and by returning to the language of dialogue and understanding that is based on respecting the legitimacy of the National Authority, its supremacy, laws and institutions, and respecting the security of the homeland and the citizen, away from anarchy, chaos of armed violence and violation of the law.

Accordingly, the Palestinian People’s Party stresses the following:

• Any Palestinian government must be based on the rule of the Basic Law, and strive to implement it, as an essential guarantee for the stability of the Palestinian political system.

• Restoring sovereignty to the official institutions and putting an end to the state of coup in Gaza.

• Not to transfer the state of conflict to the Palestinian West Bank, and to enact the rule of law in it, put an end to the state of anarchy and lawlessness, and to control the security situation.

• To prepare the climate for carrying out new presidential and legislative elections on the basis of the full proportional system.

• The independence of Palestinian national decision-making, away from regional and external influences.

• To call upon our people, their forces and institutions, to come together in a broad national front, to safeguard the national project for liberation, independence and democracy, and not to comply with any authorities and measures that employ force and lack legitimacy and legality.

• To call upon the members of the Legislative Council to fulfil their role in compliance with the pledge they had undertaken to protect the law and defend the interests of the homeland and the people.

• To call upon the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its Central Council to begin immediately practical steps in order to activate and develop the PLO so that it could take up its real role as the representative and authority for our people wherever they exist. We see this important step, which has been long overdue, as the proper approach to tackling all the problems of our steadfast people.

