Palestinian and Israeli Communists agree: Only a free Palestine can bring peace
Emblems of the Palestinian People's Party and the Communist Party of Israel.

The Communists of Palestine and Israel agree: “Only by establishing a sovereign Palestinian state will there be peace and stability in the region. Stop the war in Gaza and Lebanon now!”

That was the essence of a joint statement issued by the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and the Palestinian People’s Party (PPP) after a meeting of the top leaders of the two organizations on Oct. 9.

The CPI and the PPP met via Zoom, with guests and solidarity activists from around the world participating in the online meeting. Discussions focused on the dangerous escalation in the region, especially Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s attacks on Lebanon, and the political situation in Palestine and Israel.  Adel Amer, CPI General Secretary, and Bassam A-Salhi, PPP General Secretary, led the delegations from their respective parties.

The session was a follow-up on a high-level tripartite leadership meeting held in the city of Ramallah in July between delegations representing the leadership bodies of the CPI, the PPP, and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Hadash), the bloc of progressive parties in the Israeli Knesset.

Leaders of the Palestinian People’s Party, the Israeli Communist Party, and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality meet in Ramallah in July. | Photo via PPP

The meeting reviewed the latest political and battlefield developments, considering the ongoing war and genocide to which the Palestinian people are being subjected, especially in the Gaza Strip. It also discussed ways to enhance the struggle and joint action of political organizations in both Israel and occupied Palestine.

Attendees surveyed the most prominent dangers facing the Palestinian cause and the current challenges due to the aggression and policies of the fascist Israeli occupation government and its efforts, together with the U.S. administration, to liquidate the Palestinian cause and rights.

Foremost among them are the right to self-determination, the establishment of an independent state, and the right of return in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions.

The meeting stressed the urgent issues and tasks, prioritizing collective efforts and intensifying the joint struggle to stop Israel’s aggressive war and the genocide it is committing. Lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip, opening its crossings, and securing the food, health, and housing needs of its people was identified as an immediate necessity.

The return of the displaced, the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Strip, and the curbing of all its crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories rounded out the list.

The PPP and CPI agreed that the Palestinian people’s struggle against the occupation is a national liberation issue, and that true peace can only be achieved by ending the occupation and achieving the freedom and independence of the State of Palestine on all the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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Zo HaDerekh
Zo HaDerekh

Zo HaDerekh (This Is The Way) is the Communist Party of Israel's Hebrew-language newspaper.

