In an urgent appeal to the world’s left, progressive, and labor forces, the Palestinian People’s Party (PPP) is pleading for help against what it calls the Israeli government’s “terrorism and brutal aggression” against Gaza.
In a statement issued on the weekend, the party requested international solidarity movements and “free people everywhere” to increase the pressure on their governments to force Israel to stop its deadly assault on Palestinians.
The PPP asked for supporters to use demonstrations, protests, sit-ins, lobbying, and all possible means.
“Israeli warplanes, battleships, and artillery continue their widespread and intense indiscriminate bombardment of residential neighbouhoods and all civilian facilities, including hospitals and health centers, food supplies, places of worship and education, and the medical, service, and media teams,” the PPP said.
As of this printing, at least 3,200 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and 11,000 wounded. More than 1,200 others are missing and thought to be buried beneath the rubble of bombed-out apartments, shelters, and hospitals.
“Entire families have been wiped out,” the party said, and whole “neighborhoods levelled to the ground.”
It did not stop at blaming only the Netanyahu government for the death and destruction being visited upon Gaza right now, however. It also pointed the finger at the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden, which just announced another $10 billion in military aid to Tel Aviv.
In addition to protests, the PPP asked those who support the Palestinian people to help “expose this open and systematic war against our people in all the occupied Palestinian territories—the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem—which Israel is carrying out as an occupying power, with open and explicit incitement and support from the United States.”
It decried the extensive military and intelligence support provided to Israel by Washington and said the mainstream corporate media in the U.S. is using its influence “to mislead world public opinion about the reality of what is happening in Palestine and the Middle East.”
The Biden administration and the compliant U.S. press, the PPP argued, are engaging in a “cover-up” of the war crimes committed by Israel and “its terrorist and racist practices” against Palestinians.
The statement urged those who oppose Israeli aggression to pressure their own governments to force Israel to adhere to “international laws and conventions to protect human rights” and implement U.N. resolutions.
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