Congressman Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, introduced a resolution Wednesday, July 19, that calls on President Bush to appeal to all sides for a cessation of hostilities in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict and to commit the United States to multi-party negotiations. The resolution already has 20 co-sponsors.
Progressive Democrats of America is supporting the Kucinich effort and asking PDA members to write their representatives urging their support for the measure. See link:
PDA Executive Director Tim Carpenter says “PDA agrees with Congressman Kucinich that the United States can provide the necessary leadership to bring Middle Eastern nations together to reach a peaceful solution. We must do everything within our power to bring an end to the violence. It is unacceptable to stand and watch as the violence escalates.”
For a copy of the resolution see:
For more information, see or contact Tim Carpenter at 413-320-2015.