Portland, Maine votes to divest from Israeli genocide of Palestinians
Maine City Council meeting, credit: Timothy Paradis

OLD TOWN, MAINE—Following a unanimous vote on September 4, Portland, Maine has become the first city on the United States East Coast to resolve to divest from entities complicit in Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians.

Maine Coalition for Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) Maine organizer Jamila Levasseur said, “When the council voted unanimously to divest from Israel, we broke out into loud applause. As we hugged each other and cried, I realized this is the first moment of joy I have felt in eleven months of this genocide.”

The resolution––sponsored by City Councilor April Fournier, the coalition, and JVP Maine––identifies corporations “complicit in the current and ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, including all entities assisting Israel in the oppression of the Palestinian people” as targets for divestment:

“WHEREAS the entities on the attached Divestment List are complicit in Israel’s violation of international law as these corporations, as investigated by the United Nations and multiple humanitarian aid organizations, are known to a) provide Israel with weapons and other military equipment used in Gaza, b) operate in and contribute to the expansion of Israel’s illegal settlements, c) enable or profit from the ongoing Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people when it is feasible and carries no financial penalty to the City.”

Corporations detailed in the resolution’s Divestment List span A–Z, from the Israeli real estate concern Ashtrom Group to British arms manufacturer BAE Systems, American engineering manufacturer Caterpillar—of particular note for its decades-long use in Israeli assaults on Palestinian infrastructure—and Israeli real estate developer ZMH Hammerman, among dozens of others.

Ahead of the vote to resolve for divestment, Portland resident Yusuf Ebrahim commented:

“Voting “Yes” to divest our funds from this horrific genocide is a message that Portland does not stand for the genocide of any people from any background, but rather will stand for justice, peace, and human rights. It also makes it clear that Portland is a welcoming place for new Mainers of any background.”

Portland’s decision to divest follows Councilor Pious Ali’s successful December 15, 2023 resolution “calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Israel.” Writing in support of the December ceasefire resolution, Maine 1st Congressional District resident Erin Dodge urged that “we must see clearly what this genocide says about the root causes of the violence: Israel must end its illegal occupation and blockade of Palestine. The apartheid system and illegal settlements must end, and we must cease our support for this regime.”

The success of these two resolutions is a direct result of months of organizing by Mainers throughout the state, especially via the coalition. Coalition partners and other supportive Mainers have led months of routine stand-outs and rallies, drafted resolutions for university divestment, and provided hours of public commentary during Portland City Council meetings.  The coalition has said that this resolution is not just a message for Portland:

“Maine Senators [Susan] Collins [R] and [Angus] King [I], and Representative [Jared] Golden [D], accept significant campaign contributions from the Israel lobby, and they have refused to listen to their constituents’ demands to stop the killing of children in Palestine. Divestment sends a clear message that the current U.S. policy towards Palestinians is morally unacceptable and does not serve the interests of our country…. Our elected officials in Congress no longer represent the views of a majority of us seeking change, so this is a message to them as well as to the people of Palestine.”

While finance director Brendan O’Connell affirmed that Portland will comply with divestment measures, he also stated that “no divestment is expected to occur. Our investments and investment strategy will not be impacted. We do not directly hold any of the investments per the resolution’s ‘at minimum divestment list’ in our general fund.”

Even if Portland’s current investments do not involve corporations included in the divestment list, the terms of the resolution are preventative:

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, regardless of current investments, that the City Council urges the City Manager to not make any future directly held general fund investment in any entities complicit in the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and occupation of Palestine, including, without limitation, the entities on the Divestment List or make any investments in the Israeli military in the form of Israel Bonds; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolve will remain in effect as long as the occupation of the Palestinian Territories and the violations of human rights and international law, such as those described above, continue.”

And despite Mayor and former law enforcement officer Mark Dion’s exceptionalist view of Hamas’ resistance to Israel’s continued, years-long siege of Gaza—“…if you could bring [Hamas] to justice…that’s how we prove we’re superior to them”—he defended his vote for the divestment resolution.

“I don’t harbor any fantasy that we’re changing the economic playing field for those who invest in providing arms and supplies to the effort in Gaza,” Dion stated. “The reason I’m voting yes [is] because I think it’s important that we say it’s enough and to send a signal. Maybe it encourages one of our federal delegations to speak up and say what needs to be said.”

Other councilors used the resolution to issue concern for other ongoing crises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, and Haiti. Councilor Victoria Pelletier asserted, “I want to make sure that I always name and list these other areas that are very much deserving of outrage, resources, support, and attention.”

The decision to divest has drawn national and international criticism, particularly in Israel, as well as encouragement from progressive forces. In a press release, Government Affairs Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations Robert McCaw said, “We welcome this decision by the Portland City Council and urge other cities to follow suit and divest from the genocidal Israeli government.”


Eric Brown
Eric Brown

Eric Brown is a PhD student at the University of Maine currently on attachment at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

