Postal privatization: Detroit letter carriers say ‘Hell No!’
Cameron Harrison / People's World

DETROIT—Hundreds of U.S. Postal Service workers in Detroit stood firm this weekend against efforts by the Trump administration to privatize and dismantle the public mail delivery system. Two rallies were held here in conjunction with national events organized by the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). The rally on Sunday drew hundreds of workers and their allies.

The protests target the Trump administration’s drive to hand over parts, or all, of the USPS to Wall Street, a move workers at the rallies told People’s World would devastate services, raise costs, and eliminate jobs. Privatizing the USPS would raise package delivery costs by 30%-140% while abandoning rural routes, they said.

A recent study exposed by APWU revealed that privatizing the USPS would net Wall Street $81 billion while forcing customers to face skyrocketing prices to send mail and packages. The plan, backed by figures like centibillionaire Elon Musk and President Donald Trump, would turn profitable urban and suburban postal operations over to private companies, leaving rural areas to fend for themselves at inflated rates. It would turn what’s now a public service into a price-gouging scheme for maximum profits.

The Postal Service has a unique independent structure compared to other federal agencies. It was established in 1970 by an act of Congress after the Great Postal Strike, and unlike other federal workers, postal workers have full collective bargaining rights enshrined in the National Labor Relations Act. The NALC and APWU are currently in the middle of contract negotiations.

Cameron Harrison / People’s World

“Privatization shifts workers’ dollars from the public good to the corporate sector investor class,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “It’s not just us—there’s a fast and furious effort to hollow out the government to enrich billionaires and launch a coup.”

The USPS, now in its 250th year, is enshrined in the Constitution as a public service. “It belongs to the people on Main Street,” Dimondstein added. “It shouldn’t be handed over to Wall Street. The U.S. mail is not for sale!”

Detroit workers speak out

At both the March 20 and March 23 rallies, Detroit postal workers made their voices heard, despite frigid weather. Hundreds marched alongside Fort Street just outside the main USPS distribution center in Detroit carrying picket signs which said: “U.S. Mail Not For Sale!” and “Fight Like Hell!”

“Every day, our 200,000 letter carriers deliver 376 million pieces of mail to nearly 169 million delivery points supporting a $1.92 trillion mailing industry,” Sandra Laemmel, President of NALC Branch 1, told People’s World.

“We are just one of 300 rallies happening around the country protesting against the threats to dismantle our Post Office and sell its parts to the highest bidder.”

LaTonya Jones, a USPS clerk and APWU Local 0295 member, emphasized the importance of keeping the Post Office publicly owned.

“Everyone needs to have their job. Unfortunately, a lot of people are losing theirs. We need jobs to survive, pay bills, and have health insurance. The public needs their mail daily—medications, Social Security checks, everything. The Post Office must stay publicly owned.”

“We want to protect our workers and their rights. Privatization will make service worse and slow down mail delivery. We serve the American people better than private corporations ever could,” Dave Couch, Moving Vehicle Services (MVS) Craft Director and APWU Local 0295 member, told People’s World.

Dwayne Thurmond, MVS Assistant Craft Director, warned of the consequences of privatization. “Big Business will charge outrageous rates, making the postal service unaffordable for regular people. We’re here to protect our drivers and all workers’ rights.”

Antuan Charley, a shop steward for MVS and a veteran, highlighted the impact on former service members. “A lot of veterans are losing their jobs because of these cuts. We support democracy and want to save our jobs” from Big Business. “It’s time to stop this nonsense.”

Cameron Harrison / People’s World

“We are not for profit, and we’re not for sale. The Post Office was created for the people, and it must remain theirs,” Lori Simmons-Bell, a 25-year APWU member, stressed to People’s World.

A fight for the future

Marcus Smith, Executive Vice President of APWU Local 0295, called on the broader public to join the fight. “They’re trying to take away our benefits and the benefits of the entire American people.

“It’s a shame what they’re doing. We need everyone to support us and write to their representatives to oppose this takeover.”

“We need to bring attention to what’s happening, not just to the Post Office, but to all union members. The Post Office belongs to the public—it’s right there in the Constitution,” Christopher E. Ulmer, President of APWU Local 0295, told People’s World.

With 640,000 mostly unionized workers (80-90%), including 73,000 veterans, the USPS remains a cornerstone of American life. As NALC President Brian Renfroe noted, “U.S. Letter Carriers deliver 44% of the world’s mail. No private shipper offers this unmatched universal service.

“Without us, 51.5 million households and businesses in rural communities would lose guaranteed deliveries of medications, checks, ballots, and other essentials,” he said.

Dessie Hightower has been a member of the APWU since it was founded in 1971 after the merger of five postal unions. She told People’s World that it doesn’t matter where you live, the USPS will deliver mail to you at an affordable rate. “If they privatize it, we will lose the very fibers of America,” she said.

“Once they go in, dissolve it, and privatize it, that means they can get their hands on our union pension fund and loot it.”

Cameron Harrison / People’s World

Brittany Thompson, APWU Area 9 Director, said: “If we lose the right to our union, we lose a lot of the rights that we have. Non-career employees will start being used more before the career employees—just because that’s what management tries to do.”

“We are out here on the streets today to save America’s most trusted institution,” John Dick, Recording Secretary for NALC Branch 3126, told People’s World. “The USPS represents the whole nation. It doesn’t matter if you live on a dirt road in the Upper Peninsula or a big city like Detroit, the USPS will come to your door every day as a public service.

“We are not trying to be profiting off the American people.”

Dre Davis was one of many supporters from other trade unions that showed up in solidarity with the postal workers. He’s a union representative for Communication Workers of America District 4. “CWA will show up in rain, sleet, or snow, just like the postal workers, to show solidarity,” he told People’s World.

Mike Schulte, also from CWA District 4, echoed Davis’ comments, saying: “We gotta stick together.”

Despite the weather, Detroit postal workers and their allies made it clear: privatization of the Post Office is a threat to jobs, our communities, and the American people. The message at both rallies was simple: “Hell no!” to privatization! Hands off the People’s Post Office!

TAKE ACTION: Defend our public Postal Service!

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Cameron Harrison
Cameron Harrison

Cameron Harrison is a trade union activist and organizer for the CPUSA Labor Commission. Based in Detroit, he was a grocery worker and member of UFCW Local 876 where he was a shop steward. He also works as a Labor Education Coordinator for the People Before Profits Education Fund, assisting labor organizations and collectives with education, organizing strategy and tactics, labor journalism, and trade union support.

Em Barnes
Em Barnes

Em Barnes is a community activist and writer in Detroit. They are the chair of the Detroit Club of the CPUSA.