May Day was born in Chicago in the fight for the eight-hour day but is celebrated as International Workers Day, a day of solidarity in the global fight for justice, democratic rights, and equality. Call it the U.S. working class’s gift to the world.
U.S. workers have a lot to celebrate this year, including the heroic mobilization to defeat MAGA in the 2022 elections, union drives at Starbucks and Amazon, the organizing of workers at universities, cultural institutions, media and communications firms, healthcare, and in high-tech industries. There are also major wage gains won in the fight against capitalist inflation by public school employees, transport workers, and service employees.
Besides marching in a local festive May Day event, you or your organization can also celebrate by giving a shout-out in the special People’s World May Day Program Book. You’ll have the spotlight in front of all our readers—and you’ll be financially supporting People’s World at the same time.
People’s World will sponsor this online E-book made up of greetings, remembrances, and recognitions of working-class and people’s heroes, heroines, struggles, movements, and victories. Ads can include text, audio, photos, graphics, and video from individual readers, unions, community organizations, clubs, and other groups.
The theme of this year’s booklet is “May Day 2023: Workers of the World Unite for Justice, Peace, and the Environment.”
Have your or your group’s name listed under this theme. Maybe you’ll choose to take out an ad honoring Starbucks or Amazon workers or a local grassroots activist. How about commemorating the victory of the repeal right-to-work (for less) law in Michigan, a struggle or victory at work or in the community, or reproductive rights victories in the 2022 elections?
Or celebrate a date in history. 2023 is the 175th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto, for instance. Remind readers of your favorite historic figure—this year is Paul Robeson’s 125 birthday. Or celebrate workers and people in struggle in the U.S., Brazil, and other countries dealing a blow to right-wing MAGA-style extremism. Send your support to the people of France in their fight for retirement security. Congratulate Cuba for resisting U.S. imperialism and the 64-year-old Blockade.
In other words, anything and everything can be honored and celebrated.
You can send camera-ready copy or text and graphics, and we’ll lay it out.
Here are the ad rates:
Full page (8 ½” X 11”) = $250
Half page (8 ½” X 5 ½”) = $150
Quarter page (4 1/4” X 5 ½”) = $75
Eighth page (4 ¼” X 2 ¾”) = $50
Sixteenth page (2 1/8” X 2 ¾”) = $25
Name Listing = $10
You can send text and graphics and our design team will create a beautiful ad for you. Or, you can send your camera-ready copy. Please submit your ad and information using the online form by April 21. Then, pay for your ad online at the People’s World donate page. Your donation will be automatically credited as payment for your ad.
Or, if you prefer, mail a check payable to “People’s World” to:
People’s World May Day Ad Book
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10011
The May Day Program Books will appear online, but hardcopies will be available upon request.
In solidarity,
People’s World Editorial Staff