On International Justice Day, June 15, thousands of security and cleaning workers around the world will call on Allied Irish Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank and others to sign a responsible contractor policy ensuring basic rights for security guards and cleaners.

UNI Property Services Global Union has organized the event to shine a spotlight on banks that have received millions in taxpayer bail out money but have still made significant job cuts the centre pieces of their plans to deal with the financial crisis.

“Workers should not bear the brunt of this economic crisis when the taxpayers have stepped up to provide financial stability for the banking community,” said Head of UNI Property Services Alice Dale.

The UNI Property Services Responsible Contractor Policy (RCP) is a tool through which companies commit to guarantee basic rights for their most-vulnerable employees: a right to a union, fair pay and respect for legal standards.

UNI has requested Allied Irish Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank sign an RCP, along with other global banks.

Reposted from , web site of the Services, Industrial, Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU), which represents over 200,000 Irish workers from virtually every category of employment across almost every sector of the Irish economy.

