United Nations, Apr 22 (Prensa Latina) The UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) said on Wednesday it was worried about the renewed tribal violence in the Sudanese southern region, especially in Yonglei state, where deaths and wounded were reported over the weekend.

In a press release, the UNMIS called on all sides to suspend violence and asked the tribal and community leaders to resolve their differences by means of peaceful negotiations, in compliance with the 2005 Integral Peace Agreement.

After reiterating that the UN is ready to support the southern Sudanese government in preventing an escalation of the confrontations, the UNMIS requested that the local authorities take actions to restore stability in the affected areas.

The media said more than 180 people died and 900 were wounded during clashes between two conflicting tribes in southern Sudan, over the use of water sources, while 15,000 others fled the zone to the town of Kobo.

Those clashes, which have claimed the lives of around 700 people, began in 2008 between communities of farmers and land workers, due to access and use of water sources.

