You might have noticed that the fundraising thermometer at the top of the People’s World homepage hasn’t budged much in weeks. That’s not a technical error. And it’s not a case of our staff just forgetting to update it.
I’ll be blunt—we’re behind, and the fund drive is in trouble.
With only a few weeks left until May Day, the fund appeal has bought in only $70,000—that’s barely half of the first chunk of money we have to raise this year to keep this paper going. If things were on pace, by this point in the campaign we should be at 2/3rds of our $125,000 goal. We should be approaching $90,000 right now! But the inflow of donations has slowed, dramatically.
This is the sobering fact that we must put before our readers and friends.
Unless the tempo of the fund drive is stepped up considerably, People’s World won’t be able to cover its costs and maintain the news and analysis coverage you count on. And this isn’t a time that the people’s movements can afford for this publication to be slowing down.
Inflation is eating up working people’s salaries, corporate America is on an anti-union crusade, and the recklessness of the financial class threatens to drag us all into another economic crisis. Voting rights are under attack in state after state. Trans people are being demonized and targeted by Republican legislators around the country. Reproductive rights have already become extinct in too many locales. War rages in Ukraine, and the ruling class is pushing for a new Cold War against China.
That list is just a sample of the major events and struggles that People’s World has to cover in the coming months. And I didn’t even mention that the 2024 elections are coming on fast, nor that Trump’s crimes and pending trials will put American democracy to the test.
If you’ve donated already or signed up to be a monthly sustainer, THANK YOU! Is it possible you could give a bit more?
If you haven’t donated or become a monthly sustainer yet, why not?
We’re very aware of the fact that times are tight for everyone who works for a living. Not all of us can afford to make a large donation. But we welcome any amount. Every dollar is a show of support for People’s World and its mission. Could you sign up for $10 a month? How about $20?
But if you can afford to give more, please consider doing it for someone who can’t.
Cover the donation of an Amazon worker who’s been laid off because of corporate greed. Cover the donation of a young Starbucks barista whose paycheck can’t cover the rent, let alone a contribution to the newspaper that covers their strike. Cover the donation of an incarcerated person locked away in prison who relies on People’s World to get progressive news of the outside world.
For almost a hundred years, the readers and supporters of this publication have dug deep into their pockets and made sure that it didn’t go under. We’re confident that our readers today are up to that challenge as well.
Don’t let People’s World disappear.
With gratitude,
C.J. Atkins
Managing Editor