U.S. gives green light to use long range missiles against Russia
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (left) listens as UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy (right) speaks during the Fourth Crimea Platform Leaders Summit in Kyiv, Ukraine, September 11, 2024. | AP

A decision to allow the Ukrainians to use long-range missiles against Russia has already been taken, Moscow claimed today.

The claim comes as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy arrived in Kiev on a joint visit today.

The two diplomats traveled from London, from where Blinken accused Iran of providing Russia with Fath-360 short-range ballistic missiles, calling the move a “dramatic escalation” of the war.

For months, Ukraine has been requesting approval from the U.S. to use long-range weapons to strike targets deep in Russia.

“If we are allowed to destroy military targets or weapons prepared by the enemy for attacks on Ukraine, it would certainly bring more safety for our civilians, our people, and our children,” Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said at a news conference in Kiev on Tuesday.

“We are working towards this and will continue to push for it every day.”

But Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed at his daily press briefing today that the U.S. and its allies have already decided to allow the Ukrainians to use the weapons they provide to strike deep into Russian territory.

He said arrangements were now merely being “formalized.”

Peskov said: “The involvement of the U.S. and European countries in the conflict is direct, and each new step increases it.”

Asked how Moscow would respond to such a development, Peskov said: “It will be appropriate,” without providing specific details.

He said the authorization of Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory would serve as “further proof” of why Moscow launched its offensive, which he said was itself an “answer” to the West’s support.

As Blinken and Lammy arrived in Kiev, Britain announced it was banning 10 commercial ships it accused of illicitly transporting Russian oil in violation of international sanctions.

The British government said the vessels would be barred from British ports and could be detained if they enter.

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Morning Star

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