Under scorching sun, rally protests migrant deaths

TUCSON, Ariz. — A coalition of local immigrant rights, labor and community organizations rallied at the federal building here Aug. 28 to mark the National Day of Action to Stop Anti-Immigrant Repression and Migrant Deaths at the U.S.-Mexico Border.

Over 150 people, including a large youthful contingent from Tucson High School, braved scorching 100-plus degree heat. Demonstrators handed out a leaflet urging people to make telephone calls to the state’s congressional delegation in support of the coalition’s demands for emergency action to legalize the millions of undocumented workers, a moratorium on raids and deportations, justice for Elvira and Saul Arellano and all families who have been separated by detention and deportation, and the protection and expansion of the labor, human and civil rights of all immigrants and refugees.

Isabel Garcia, a leader of the Coalicion de Derechos Humanos, expressed solidarity with Elvira Arellano, the recently deported immigrant rights activist. She pointed to Arellano’s son Saul, an American citizen, as an example of the many children left alone when their parents are deported. “What kind of country do we live in?” she asked.

Michael Woodward, of Wingspan, Tucson’s LGBT rights center, expressed solidarity, saying, “We stand together with you to demand justice and fair treatment for immigrants.”

pwwinaz @webtv.net

