Undocumented youth, Latino voters protest Romney in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS – Braving the elements, undocumented youth and Latino voters from across the state of Indiana came out last week to voice their opposition to Mitt Romney’s extreme immigration rhetoric and “heartless” stance on the DREAM Act.  Standing in solidarity with DREAMERS were women’s groups who chanted “Veto Romney, Not the DREAM Act.”

The federal DREAM Act, blocked by Republicans, would provide undocumented immigrant youth a pathway to legal status through public service. The law would enable tens of thousands of immigrant youth to attend college or enter military service as well.

In the wake of Indiana’s SB 590 law, a copycat of Arizona’s harshly anti-immigrant SB 1070, undocumented youth and Indiana Latinos have been mobilizing against anti-Latino candidates. This includes Mitt Romney, who has gone on record saying that SB 1070 should be a model for the nation, and Richard Murdoch, Indiana’s tea party candidate for U.S. Senate, who has chosen to develop deep ties with notorious Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Outside the J.W. Marriott hotel here, “Veto Romney” signs were waved alongside the “DREAM Quilt,” pieced together by undocumented youth hopeful for their future, with messages such as “My Dream is to become a Teacher” and “My Dream is to become a Nurse.”  

“Although the movement in Indiana is still young, the Latino demographic is growing and Latinos are becoming increasingly aware of immigration issues whether or not they or their families are undocumented” said Jose Alvarez, a  DREAM activist from northern Indiana.

Photo: The “DREAM Quilt.” Courtesy DRM Capitol Group, a voice for undocumented youth and lobbying arm of the DREAM movement.


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