One hundred percent of voting stations are set up throughout the country on this day of the referendum, said Sandra Oblitas, Director of the National Electoral Council (CNE), on Sunday.
“One hundred percent of voting stations are already set up; that is to say, electoral officials, support technicians, station members and election witnesses have fulfilled, once again, their responsibility to guarantee a successful [electoral process],” she emphasized.
Oblitas added that the process of setting up voting stations was achieved even more quickly this time compared with previous elections.
She indicated that according to run-throughs of different polling centers, the voting process is developing with complete normalcy and voters are exercising their right to participate. “We have seen a great flow of people in line, and some reports are saying that the people’s participation has been massive so far,” indicated Oblitas.
Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias (ABN), Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Press Office / February 15, 2009