BURNS HARBOR, Ind. – More than 3,000 United Steelworkers and their supporters marched on the ArcelorMittal corporate headquarters here September 1. The Steelworkers contract with ArcelorMittal expired on September 1st. The union is staying on the job for now in hopes of a fair contract, but are ready to fightback in what are very tough negotiations.
Community supporters, including John Gregg who is challenging the current governor (rightwing union buster Mike Pence), joined them. Other labor supporters included leaders from the Indiana AFL-CIO, the Indiana Building Trades Council, the Autoworkers, the Ironworkers, and SEIU. Supporters also included Bernie Sanders supporters Peace activists, and other community organizations.
In a show of unity and strength after a brief rally, we marched several miles to the Burns Harbor corporate headquarters of ArcelorMittal. When we passed several barricades and marched to the main entrance, we found the huge building deserted. In addition the company had covered up all of its corporate signs with white plastic. Marchers speculated that they didn’t want their signs and logos in pictures of the marchers to show up in the press. Marchers chanted “we’ll be back,” as they left.
Steelworker Fightback Continues from Scott Marshall on Vimeo.
Photo: USW Local1010