Washington women: ‘We won’t go back!’
Tim Wheeler / People's World

SEQUIM, Wash.—Nearly 300 protesters from across the North Olympic Peninsula staged a “Women’s March for Humanity” through downtown Sequim on Saturday, Oct. 5, holding hundreds of candidate signs and chanting “We Won’t Go Back.”

The cause: protesting male supremacy, the mostly male MAGA Republicans stripping women of reproductive rights, discriminatory pay and promotions, and the policies enforced by corporate Republicans like Donald Trump and his handpicked Supreme Court misogynists.

Joining the march here were Emily Randall, a candidate for the U.S. 6th Congressional District, and Kate Dexter, candidate for Clallam County Commissioner, both Democrats and Adam Bernbaum, a candidate for the Washington State Legislature. Also present were Sequim City Councilmembers Vicki Lowe and Kathy Downer and former City Councilmember Genaveve Starr.

Many carried homemade placards supporting progressive candidates, such as “Kamala Harris: President” and “Madam President.” One man held a sign with a photo of a cat and the message “Felines against Felons.” Others promoted the candidacy of Randall, Bob Ferguson for Governor, Dave Upthegroove for Public Lands Commissioner, Mike Chapman for State Senate, and Steve Tharinger for the legislature.

The demonstrators gathered in a large plaza at Washington and Sequim-Dungeness Way, the main intersection in town, and then marched on the sidewalk west. The crowd cheered as passing motorists leaned on their horns.

Candidate Emily Randall, center. | Tim Wheeler / People’s World

The marchers walked five blocks west, crossed the street, and proceeded back to the assembly point.

Randall, now a state senator representing Kitsap County, thanked the crowd. She said she agreed with seeking common ground and working to overcome extreme partisanship, but she said she did not want right-wing bullies dictating to women and taking away their most precious rights—among them abortion rights, reproductive rights, voting rights, and union rights.

She urged voters to stand up and fight back, in the first place by turning out a winning vote in the Nov. 5 election. She warned that MAGA Republicans are already scheming to challenge the results even if Harris and other Democrats win. Their aim is to wipe out the will of the people and seize power for themselves, even if it means stealing the election or staging another Jan. 6 coup d’etat.

The way to stop that, she said, is to “drive up the vote,” canvass door-to-door, phone bank, join street corner “waves” to widen the margin of victory, and more so that Trump and the MAGA right have no credible basis to challenge the election results.

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Tim Wheeler
Tim Wheeler

Tim Wheeler has written over 10,000 news reports, exposés, op-eds, and commentaries in his half-century as a journalist for the Worker, Daily World, and People’s World. Tim also served as editor of the People’s Weekly World newspaper.  His book News for the 99% is a selection of his writings over the last 50 years representing a history of the nation and the world from a working-class point of view. After residing in Baltimore for many years, Tim now lives in Sequim, Wash.

